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MOOC | 武汉大学《循证医学》英文MOOC上线爱课程国际平台

2025-02-26199人浏览 分享给朋友


The English MOOC Evidence-Based Medicine from Wuhan University officially launched on iCourse on February 10, 2025, becoming the platform's first and only course on the subject!

武汉大学作为我国中西部最大的国际学生留学目的地之一,在国际教育领域已有70余年的深厚积淀。武汉大学第二临床学院循证医学与临床流行病学教研室自2014年起承担武汉大学医学部《Evidence-Based Medicine》与《Clinical Research Design》课程的教学工作,均为校级已建成/在建的精品课程,年授课达80学时,教学成果丰富、学生满意度高。

As a top destination for international students in central and western China, Wuhan University brings over 70 years of expertise in global education. Since 2014, its Department of Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology has taught Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Research Design—both university-level high-quality courses—delivering 80 annual class hours with outstanding results and high student satisfaction.


Building on the success of its Chinese MOOC (a national model online course for medical postgraduate students and a first-class undergraduate course in Hubei Province), the department optimized and translated 62 video subtitles (210,000+ words), 54 courseware materials, 300+ test questions, and 40+ discussion questions. This initiative aims to advance evidence-based medicine education globally and share China’s contributions to medical learning.

【课程链接 Course Link】


课程网址Course Website:


【课程大纲与上线时间 Course Launch Calendar】

【平台简介Platform Overview】


Launched on April 28, 2020, the iCourse is jointly developed by Higher Education Press and Youdao under the guidance of the Ministry of Education. With extensive experience in course operation and robust technical support, the platform brings together top-tier universities, educators, and courses from China. It primarily provides online teaching services to international university students and faculty, overseas Chinese, and global learners.


The Evidence-Based Medicine MOOC launched on iCourse International on February 10, 2025. Register with your email to enroll and learn for free anytime. We appreciate your interest and welcome your feedback!

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